What does the bible say about music?

Praise and worship of God, 2 Chronicles chapter 5 is a good example of this, and the positive response of God.

Express joy – Job 38:7
Celebrate – Genesis 31:27
Teach - Colossians 3:16
Relaxing – 1 Samuel 16
Express love – Song of Solomon

Music is a positive expression – either in worship and praise of God, expressing joy, teaching, celebration, relaxing or even expressing love!

Our Vision

"To provide revolutionary, fun and enjoyable music experiences, applying biblical principles to inspire, motivate, encourage and mentor the next generation to become the best they can be"

Our Mission

  • To constantly seek and develop strategies and revolutionary methods of teaching to raise up the next generation of Christian musicians,
  • Bless and support the community through time, effort and resources,
  • Inspire students to live a life beyond them.